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> [!bible] Jonah 4
> ![[Jonah 4]]
# V 1-4
For us when we say V 2 it would be praise and worship. Here Jonah is upset at God divine sovereignty.
God could have said, how dare you use my loveingkindness against me. Especially when it was extended to you. I will smite you for your unjustified anger towards me.
But we don't see that at all.
There are group were we say the same as Jonah. We cant wait for God to pass judgement on them, instead praying that God saves them! [[Matt 9]]
Many times we separate God and Jesus.
Jesus is the kind and compassionate one, while God of the OT is all judgment.
if you have seen jesus you have seen the father. ( #TODO Get verse)
prov 13:10
# v 5-11
Jonah is a sulking server. What are we, are we a joyful servant or a sulking servant?
Jonah was more concern about a plant then the immortal souls of Nineveh. All of those people who God created and loves.
Jonah gives no prove as to why he should be angry.
We should be extremely joyful about the grace and mercy that God has extended to us! Do we show others the same. In ways we as all Jonah.
- How can we show love to the city's we are in?
- What should I do to show the love of God to people.
- How should we as a church do the same?
Gods care for animals is used to show his care for us:
Matt 6:26
![[Matt 6#26]]
![[Matt 7#1..10]]